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Multi Photographer Senior Safari


Saturday Chance and I traveled across the state to Buchanan to do a Senior Safari with some friends of ours.  Three photographers and three assistants all came together for this fun day of sessions.  The plan was for all three photographers to spend about thirty minutes with two or three girls and then for the girls to travel on to the next photographer.  We all went to different areas so that we all captured something that was different.  When the girls arrived we all chose the outfits that would look best for where we were photographing.  Chance and I were in an area with an old truck, a field and an old barn like building.  One photographer was downtown and another was at a really nice home photographing inside and on the porches.  After a thirty minute lunch break, it was supposed to have been two hours – we went a little over, we were back at it with another group of girls.  When the day was over we had photographed twelve beautiful girls and were all excited to get back to the studio to see what everyone had captured. 


Interested in a Senior Safari session?  Call us soon to schedule.  We are busy looking for new locations for this year. 

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