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Summer Senior Portraits – Less Than A Month Left!

senior portraits, GA

Senior Portrait from our Berry College Safari in June.

It is hard to believe that you will be back in school in less than a month!  Now is the time to get your senior portraits taken if you haven’t already!  If you have never been a senior before, and I hope you haven’t, or never had a brother or sister who was a senior you might not know just how fast things will  go next year.  Once school starts back yearbook deadlines are just weeks away and schools in our area are very busy getting photos in place for the yearbook.  Once school starts  you have a lot of after school activities and homework to do.  And hopefully you are getting your applications ready for colleges in the fall too.  From this point on your senior year will be a whirlwind of activities and will pass before you know it.  Soon you will graduate and be on your own leaving your home to go to school, the armed forces or work.  Now is the time to enjoy being a senior!  You have been working for this for a long time.

Be sure to have portraits that are worth all of the hard work that you have put into being a senior.  Now is not the time to skip portraits, it is actually one of the most important times to have portraits taken.  How do you want to be remembered?  What do you want to have to look back on years from now?  What do you want to leave for your parents while you are moving on?  Professional senior portraits that are fun to have taken, that will stand the test of time and at a fair price can be found, and Bentley Photography is the place.   Come see what seniors and families from all over Georgia have known for years – the best portraits and the most fun sessions anywhere is at Bentley Photography.  Call us and let us prove it to you!  And save $40 NOW!  100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Bentley Photography

Senior Portraits


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