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What Is A Session And How Much?

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You might be asking about why we are giving such a big discount on
our sessions in May and June?  May and June are the best months because
they aren't as hot yet and because you aren't having as many sports
practices.  As the summer winds down everyone has a lot going on and
fewer times that they are available, and it is always very hot in July
and August.  That is why we try to get as many seniors to come in early
so we can have more time and stay a little cooler.

What is the sale all about, just what is a session anyway and why
would I want to do two?  We offer seven different sessions that you can
choose from and most people choose to do two, some do more.  By doing
two sessions you get the best of two looks.  It is very popular to do a
Studio session along with an Outdoor session so you can have more
variety.  When you do these normally it would cost you $45 for the
Studio and $45 for the Outdoor session.  During May, if you book by the
11th, you can save 75% off of that price!  That makes the two sessions
together only $22.50, saving you over $67 right off the bat.  And you
even get to get them taken in the best weather of the year.  If you aren't sure what sessions are available you can find them listed in our magazine on page 4, the center spread, or on our web-page  They are Studio, Outdoors, Downtown, Road Trip, My Stuff, Formal and the Safari.  All sessions except the Safari session are on sale.

So then how much does it cost?  Another great question!!  The best way for me to answer that is refer you to our web page,  When you go onto our web page look under the "About" tab and go to the "How Much?" tab.  You can get a good idea there.  One thing we hear all of the time is that it wasn't as much as most people thought it would be.  People even say that the prices were about the same, and sometimes better, than the school photographers.  We even had someone that picked up a frame last week say that we must have given her a special deal because she couldn't have gotten one for the price she paid at Hobby Lobby.



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