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Monthly Archives: January 2014

Oconee County Senior Portrait – Christina

Christina came to us from Watkinsville, like her big brother from the class of 2009 did a few years ago, wanting something different.  The sessions we did for Christina were Outdoors and Downtown which she wanted to do late in the afternoon near dusk.  After high school Christina plans on going to college and studying...

North Oconee High School Senior Portraits – Rachel

Senior portrait sessions are always fun for me to photograph, but especially when I have someone like Rachel to photograph.  Sometimes you have a senior that comes in and you share a lot of interest and Rachel was just one of those seniors.  Very quickly I learned that she is a self professed “foodie”, which...

Class of 2015 Senior Model Application

Class of 2015 Senior Model Applications are being accepted through the end of January for a limited number of models.  Every year we look for models to represent our studio and if you think you might be interested fill out an application here.  Haven’t heard of our model program?  We have other post here on...

Flowery Branch High School Senior Portraits

Jessica came to us over the Christmas break for her senior portraits.  While a lot of people come in the summer and fall for senior portraits now is also a great time.  While it might be colder and the days shorter we can usually still do most of the same sessions that we offer in...

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