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JCCHS Senior Tells About Her Experience

Kendall got a postcard from us about senior portraits and decided that we should do her senior portraits because she wanted something different than the school was providing.  We had a blast photographing her and taking to her back in the summer when she did her sessions, she did an Outdoor and Athens session with...

NOHS Senior Baseball Banners

The NOHS Titans baseball team is off to a great season this year and we are so honored to photograph the Class of 2018 seniors for the senior banners this year.  Banners and posters are two specialty items that we have been doing for the last 15 or so years.  Competition Cheerleading, Baseball, Softball, Volleyball,...

Track Team Fundraising Posters

A few weeks ago we were contacted by the track coach at Jefferson High School about helping with a fundraising project for the Jefferson High School teams.  Like most teams, they are needing to raise money to order new uniforms.  The Coach wanted a collegiate look for his athletes like he had seen on his...

Another Senior Speaks Out

Seniors know what they like, and don’t like, and so do senior parents.  Senior portraits are different for everyone and not all seniors want the same thing. Some seniors are happy going to the school photographer, and others are happy with iPhone pictures.  With that being said we know that not everyone wants what we...

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