We get calls a lot asking how long we do senior portraits? And is it too late to get my senior portraits taken? Senior portraits are something that can be done anytime during your senior year from the summer before till you graduate. Most people have them done in the summer before school starts. A couple reasons are that you have more time during the summer and many people feel like they look better in the summer. Another reason is that the yearbook deadlines are very soon after school starts back, so if you are getting an ad you will have time to get some portraits ready for it. Also by having them done in the summer you will have wallets to give friends when school starts back.
So, the answer to the original question is – come when you have time and feel good. Some people feel best in the fall and like the fall colors. We have also done some beautiful images in the dead of winter and early spring. If you like to hunt or ski you can bring in some props during the proper season to make the portraits look even better and show more about you. Just remember, now that sports practices have started and sports start you have less free time in your day.