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Cap And Gown Sessions


This is just a little something that we offer in addition to your regular senior portrait session every year.  Anyone that comes to us for senior portraits gets a free Cap and Gown session at the end of the year, along with a free family session that you can use anytime during your senior year.  For all of you class of 2012 seniors that have your Cap and Gowns and want to come in for your session give us a call at the studio for an appointment, it is a quick session.  770-867-2853

And for all of you class of 2013 upcoming seniors this is something to remember.  That is two free sessions that you will get later in the year when you come to us for your senior portraits.  All three sessions for the price of one with the school photographer!  Yesterday we booked a senior for two sessions, two of our most expensive sessions (Road Trip and Downtown), and it came to the same price as the basic session at his school.  AND he will get two more sessions to use later in the year FREE.  How did he do that?  He booked in May during our 75% off sale.  If you want to do it later than in May you can still save 50% off of your sessions, just call us this month to book your sessions.


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