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Let’s Teleport Away

This brown-eyed beauty knocked her Downtown session out of the park!  We had a blast going to different alleys and streets photographing Morgan and she is just as easy going and breezy as her portraits look!  One day she hopes to travel the world, but if she could have just one super power it would be the ability to teleport.  Now that would make traveling a lot more convenient!

Now is the time to get on the books and get your senior portraits done!  You will still have to go to the school photographer to be in the yearbook, but don’t do your casuals around the school!  Call us and let’s have fun exploring downtown Winder or Athens for some cool spots. We can’t teleport you to all of our locations, but we know some pretty cool ones that make great senior portraits!senior, portrait, Winder, GA, WBHS, Barrow, photographersenior, portrait, Winder, GA, WBHS, Barrow, photographersenior, portrait, Winder, GA, WBHS, Barrow, photographersenior, portrait, Winder, GA, WBHS, Barrow, photographer

Bentley Photography

Location Senior Portraits

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