Yesterday postcards were sent out that said, "It's Not Too Late For Great Senior Portraits" to seniors all over the surrounding area. These were just to remind you that it isn't too late to get some great senior portraits done before you graduate and leave home for college! Face it, after you graduate and leave the next time you have anything like this done will be at your wedding. After your wedding you will be working and then getting your own children's portraits done and it will no longer be all about you. This is your last big hoorah! Something to remember your high school years with, something for your parents to look at when you are gone. Why would you trust anything this important to just anybody with a camera, or those pictures you had done at the school last summer? Now is your time. Get what you want and deserve, you have worked hard over the last 12 years. Give us a call and get a special one hour studio session with unlimited changes of clothing for only $25! If you want to go somewhere we can still go on locations and to downtown for a little bit more. This special $25 session is for a very limited time, it will end on April 13, and a lot of things are going on between now and then. So don't put this off any longer!
These are just a few we did yesterday of Crystal, she came last summer for a studio session but wanted some more in town. While we had her we wanted to try out a few of our new backgrounds in the studio. Oh, and even if you already had your senior portraits taken you can have more taken now with this special!