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Tag Archives: Bentley

Senior Portraits – Tristin

When Tristin called us about doing his senior portraits he knew just what he wanted to do.  Tristin did some planning and had some ideas and wanted us to come up with some others to be a little different.  For his senior portraits he chose to do the Studio and Downtown sessions.  After college Tristin...

Senior Portraits – Softball

  A few weeks ago Hannah’s dad contacted us about doing her senior portraits and he wanted them to be centered around softball.  Hannah has been a softball player for so much of her life it was only natural to have it be part of her senior portraits.  They found us on the internet and...

Winder Barrow Senior Portraits – Alyssa

Alyssa came for her senior portrait session from Winder Barrow High School. Alyssa, like her sister Amber, is a singer and is very involved in the chorus at WBHS.  She hopes to attend UGA after high school and someday be a teacher.  Alyssa loves to read and if she won the lottery the first thing...

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